I want to share with you my way to UNTANGLEment!
When you UNTANGLE your mind and heart, you will discover the birthplace of your truth. When you will learn to trust yourself, accept, and listen to your inner wisdom, you will be free to dream, plan, and have a fulfilling life.
When you UNTANGLE your life, you also uncover outdated beliefs, fears, and you challenge those habits which are keeping you stuck. This takes courage, openness, time and effort.
You can take this journey alone or invite the coach who provides support.
A Certified Professional Coach** has the training , skills and insight to listen without judgement and help you discover your blind spots.
I offer: partnership, coaching skills, and knowledge about human nature to support you!
I also have experienced what it feels like to UNTANGLE myself!
So, if you have a dream and want to live it, let’s talk.
If you can't find your dreams, let's find them.
If you are afraid to dream it, let's understand why.
Set your dreams free and they will set you free.
UNTANGLE to create a fulfilling, purposeful and meaningful life.
I invite you on the fascinating journey of
UNTANGLEment = to simplify or unravel,
to gain clarity and a sense of peaceful purpose
This is a journey of inner exploration, and also of goal setting, planning and celebrating achievements. If you feel overwhelmed but motivated to make change; if you fear you are alone and want to explore your options - I am here for you.
** BE AWARE: When researching coaches, accreditation matters!
Anyone can call themselves a coach but Certified Professional Coach
have gone through rigorous training established by International Coaching Federation, and follows ICF Code of Ethics, that protect the Clients.