about me
UNTANGLEment = to simplify or unravel to gain clarity and a sense of peaceful purpose
When I untangled my heart I discovered the birthplace of my truth and allowed myself to dream.
I am now free!
This is My Story:
In the distant past, I had a dream to spend my life serving others and in return, achieve peace.
I started my journey to realize these dreams by “doing” and “achieving” without really understanding myself. Consequently, I tangled my life around this business of “doing” and the knot became so tight that it didn’t allow me to see the next step of my journey. Even with all my good intentions, I was stuck!
How did this happened to me?
I thought I was on the right path. I was pursuing every new idea, every fascination and passion. Although I learned a great deal about myself, I was no further ahead of achieving my dreams than I was when I started; I wasn't living my dream.
I wasn't ready to acknowledge and trust my intuition. I looked for some other justification for my choices and I sought the approval from others. My actions were always "to deliver and please". Although I didn't realize it then, I was attempting to find my chosen path by starting at the end of the knot of life. I needed to find the beginning.
While dreaming about becoming a medical doctor I allowed fears and doubts to take over and I chose - as I believed - the "correct expected" path. Instead of medicine, I studied education and then obtained a Master’s Degree in Special Education.
I chased my dreams for over 25 years. It took years of formal education involving
psychotherapy, psychology, and the practice of mindfulness to gain self-trust and acknowledge my own wholeness. Throughout this study, I gained a wider perspective about the need to become a balanced, whole human being in the body, the mind and the spirit.
While pursuing my passions, I stayed open for new opportunities. I was willing to risk comfort for growth and knowledge. I was welcoming change and I was courageous to try the new. I used self acceptance and freedom to move myself forward.
Freedom is to have choice; to me it also implies harmony, honesty, transparency, compassion, self-determination, independence, real-time mindfulness, and peace.
I choose freedom every day. When I dissolved the guilt and shame of my past and the fears about the future - I could now rest in the present. I am free from fear, guilt, shame, blame and feeling like I’m not enough. Understanding what freedom means for me opened a new perspective that allowed me to re -claim my dreams.
To get unstuck and move forward with the dream, I began by UNTANGLING my inner world to make it visible and understandable for me. UNTANGLING took time and effort, but it was worth it for the insight I gained.
When I finally UNTANGLED my inner world, the vision became clearer and meaningful, and I discovered my purpose and passions.
I learned who I really am!
Equipped in this self-awareness and knowledge, I started to envision and map out the journey to my future. I was now ready to begin to work with others on their journey.
In 2017 I took a leap of faith and started my transitional, life coaching practice that is based on years of study, practice of self-discovery and recent re-certification as a life coach.
Now I live my dream by serving others. In doing so, I also learn about myself every day.
I now live my dream. My vision for my future is untangled and life is simpler.
My personal goal is to make a difference,
to live UNTANGLED and peacefully,
to live my dreams,
to empower myself and others.
Who I Work With:
I am primarily working with
women who are at a cross roads in their life,
youth heading into their futures and
I use my expertise to help clients realize their potential; find their purpose and do what they love. Together we identify strengths, clarify dreams, uncover new perspectives towards committed and realistic goals.
My goal through coaching is to create a safe space where dreams can be viewed, examined, actualized, tested in real life and finally realized. I offer structure, process, inspiration and support to take the small leaps of faith to "untangle" your mind and heart, thus allowing your dreams materialize.
How I Work:
I bring solid coaching knowledge, multifaceted training and life experience to the coaching relationship.
My strengths are:
the ability to dream and help others visualize their dream
immerse trust in the clients’ inner wisdom.
compassion, kindness, both grounded in respect
the unwavering belief in one's own freedom of choice.
immense curiosity and good faith.
I connect over the phone, or by using the internet applications such as Skype and Zoom.
To explore more about life coaching, please book a Complimentary, 30 minute session to experience what it would be like to work together to achieve your dreams.
I can also be reached by email
or, you can drop me a line via my Contact Page
Thank you for visiting this page
Tamara Wichniewicz

Personal Goal:
to make a difference,
to live UNTANGLED and peacefully,
to live my dreams,
to empower myself and others.