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Therapy vs COACHING
Symptoms examples: lacking clue which way to head and what direction in life to take; if on track, unexpected events occur that cause lost of focus, passion and joy; lacking confidence; feeling unfulfilled, demotivated, stuck, distracted or becoming completely debilitated.
In any of those scenarios you can greatly benefit from the intervention of profession help...
But what kind?
Some of us develop a mental illness that is so severe that it causes us to either not be able to move forward or to veer completely of course. we are disabled by our illness, either temporarily or permamently. THERAPIST, with their expertise and experience, are best suited for helping us when we are in this stage of our journey.
Other of us find ourselves is situation where we get stuck in a rut, lose our sense of direction or become confused at choices in the path before us. We are not disabled by a mental illness, although we may have been in the past or we may have a mental illness but it is not so severe that it prevents us from moving about feely.
COACHING through one-to-one will be suitable for these individuals.
Therapists are the trauma surgeons, emergency room personnel and paramedic s of the mental health.
Coaches have a fully stocked fist aid kit and skills to put it to good use, but they are not physicians.
A COACH comes alongside their clients to brainstorm, provide information, and examine potential decisions.
A therapist can do all of these things, but they often also need to intervene at a deeper level to direct care, prescribe behaviour and make choices on behalf of their client.
A COACH NEVER takes control over a client's life.
Guide and encourage, yes.
Command direction, NEVER.
People can, and sometimes need to, move between therapy and c coaching. Individuals who have gotten their mental health illnesses under control or in remission can benefit tremendously from individual and group coaching. Individuals who are being coached need to transfer to a therapist if they experience a mental health crisis.
A good coach will help a client make this transfer when decompensation occurs, rather than continuing to try to tend to themselves.
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