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"I am so grateful I had the chance to work with Tamara. She is a sincere and authentic coach, living true to her values, therefore inspires you to figure out your own. Tamara is very knowledgeable and has great tools under her belt to dig a bit deeper if needed. That encouraged me to drop my limiting believes and enabled me to discover the usefulness of listening to my feelings. If you're looking to explore your authentic self, you'll be in good hands under Tamara's guidance!


Ilva, 330yo

November, 2020



Youth life coaching


Do you struggle with self-esteem and finding your identity? Are you tired of over information and pressure of social media? Are you lost in the excess of choices life is offering nowadays? Navigating the challenges of life is not easy. With life coaching, you take control of your wellness and get one-to-one support to help you define and work toward your goals. Identify what is holding you back from achieving the life you want and create small action steps to start living it today.



1. Nowadays we are overwhelmed by the choices we’re given and we feel pressure to achieve this ‘perfect life’ we see on social media. The early 20s is the time when you constantly compare yourself to others and struggle with your own identity. Coaching with Tamara helped me understand who I am and what is my life vision. Now that I’m aware of my core values, it boosts my confidence and helps me make decisions. Knowing my priorities, it is so much easier to plan my activities. 

2. As an overachiever and a perfectionist, I struggle with relaxing, enjoying the moment, and following my passions. Now I know how to bring alignment to my life, focus on what’s important, and what brings me joy. 

Justyna, 23yo

October 2020

LIFE MAP December.png

Zanim zaczÄ…Å‚em coaching byÅ‚em osobÄ…, która nie wiedziaÅ‚a czego do koÅ„ca chce, byÅ‚em zagubiony, poszukiwaÅ‚em swojej drogi, przynajmniej tak myÅ›laÅ‚em, jednak okazaÅ‚o siÄ™, że jedyne co robiÅ‚em to uciekaÅ‚em przed samym sobÄ… i swoimi marzeniami przyjmujÄ…c marzenia innych. 

Zatem co dał mi coaching do tej pory:

Coaching pozwoliÅ‚ mi otworzyć spojrzeć na siebie samego z zewnÄ…trz, przyjrzeć siÄ™ temu co robiÄ…, czy jest to sÅ‚uszne, wÅ‚aÅ›nie dziÄ™ki coachingowi przestaÅ‚em uciekać przed samym sobÄ…, a zaczÄ…Å‚em poszukiwać samego siebie. 

Coaching wskazaÅ‚ mi aspekty w życiu, na których bardzo mi zależy, dziÄ™ki coachingowi nabraÅ‚em pewnoÅ›ci siebie, okreÅ›liÅ‚em swoje cele omarzenia w wielu dziedzinach życia. StworzyÅ‚em podstawÄ™ samego siebie i zaczÄ…Å‚em też samego siebie wyrażać. OczywiÅ›cie, zaczÄ…Å‚em robić w tym pierwsze kroki, ale wÅ‚aÅ›nie dziÄ™ki tym pierwszym krokom, zaczÄ…Å‚em siÄ™ zmieniać. RobiÄ…c koÅ‚o życia, zobaczyÅ‚em ile znaczÄ… dla mnie rodzina, przyjaciele, kontakt z innym czÅ‚owiekiem. Wiem przynajmniej co jest dla mnie w tym momencie ważne. NauczyÅ‚em siÄ™ też by nie trzymać siÄ™ sztywno, tego co sobie zaÅ‚ożyÅ‚em, ponieważ czas też wprowadza zmiany i nic nie jest staÅ‚e. Coaching pozwoliÅ‚ rozwinąć mi moje wÅ‚asne skrzydÅ‚a. 

Nawet do tej pory byÅ‚y momenty gdzie pÅ‚akaÅ‚em z powodu nieprzepracowanych emocji, jednak dziÄ™ki temu też nauczyÅ‚em siÄ™, że majÄ…c zaufanÄ… osobÄ™, nie trzeba uważać na swoje emocje, zaczÄ…Å‚em też bardziej ludzi do siebie wpuszczać, krok po kroku ale też sam siÄ™ na nich zdecydowanie bardziej otworzyÅ‚em. 

Coaching z TamarÄ…, pozwala mi spojrzeć w siebie i zrozumieć swoje wÅ‚asne potrzeby. Pozwala spojrzeć na siebie z 3-ciej osoby dziÄ™ki czemu nabieram dystansu do siebie oraz do tego co mówiÄ™, zaczÄ…Å‚em patrzeć krytycznie na swoje przemyÅ›lenia, dziÄ™ki czemu jestem w stanie wybrać najlepszÄ… drogÄ™ dla siebie samego. ZaczÄ…Å‚em kierować siÄ™ wÅ‚asnymi potrzebami, wÅ‚asnymi marzeniami i jestem zdeterminowany be je zrealizować. 

Jestem niesamowicie zadowolony z moich postÄ™pów za co jestem bardzo wdziÄ™czny, ponieważ dziÄ™ki odpowiednim wskazówkom zaczÄ…Å‚em siÄ™ rozwijać i myÅ›leć również o sobie. Dlatego chciaÅ‚bym bardzo podziÄ™kować. 

Marcin M.
Warsaw, Poland
February, 2019
"Thank you for the coaching session today.  I was most impressed with your lightning speed facilitation of a simple, sensible solution to something I had been struggling with all week.   I’m always surprised to discover that I had the answer all along :)"
Marita B.
Brisbane, Australia
"I loved my coaching sessions with Tamara, especially her Voice Dialogue sessions which was something I've never experienced before. It is very interesting the insight that can come up with this method that uses both imagination and trust in the coach. Tamara is gentle, patient and encouraging. She is a true partner in coaching going with you as she helps you uncover and discover new insights about yourself to help you on your journey. I will recommend Tamara's coaching to anyone seeking to find a deeper connection to themselves. "
Emily C. W.
Trinidad and Tobago 
July 2018 
"Tamara’s coaching has helped me find strength and courage that I didn’t know I had. I always leave sessions with her feeling more empowered and taking action where I had previously been stuck or fearful. She brings out an energy, excitement and motivation in me to continue to reach for my dreams!"
Wanda D.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada​
July 2018 
"Tamara is a great listener who guides her clients towards transformative shifts. She is warm and open individual, created a natural and open coaching relationship. 
Tamara is wonderful at creating space and room for awareness and discovery. Tamara did a wonderful job challenging my perspective and asking deep-level questions"
Lahaja F.
June 2018 
"Intelligent and authentic you are a patient listener that worked hard to help me get to the core of the problem I was struggling with on any given session.  I believe I've been a challenging case!  But you helped guide and encourage me through the Coaching process that at times I seemed to fight or not quite understand.  You would keep gently prodding with more questions and come at what I was struggling to see from different angles until finally...I would get it.  I could physically feel the difference when the answer inside me presented itself.  It fit, I would relax and feel relief.  Thank you :)"
Tammy A.
Victoria, BC, Canada
May 2018 


Tamara Wichniewicz 

from Victoria, British Columbia â€‹


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